Our Values

Why: Everything in the universe is connected – living in duality, which is the opposite (and also inevitable), is when suffering and discontent occurs.

What: To respect and care for Earth and all beings, to be conscious in our actions with an open heart we foster this principle of oneness which will help us get closer to fulfilling our mission. Unconscious actions of separateness, even small, will affect those around you. Connecting with others & your surroundings will give a sense of belonging and ultimately lead to abundance.

As we strive towards cooperation with all beings we ask you to respect and be mindful of the following:
– We do not allow any meat into our kitchens
– To avoid bringing insects, mice and rats into the homes, please keep all areas clean of food, and to clear up after eating to remove any traces of food

Why: Ananta serves as a private home which will be warmly shared with small groups as they build their peace technologies. Trust is integral in allowing us to open the space to help fulfill a greater purpose, as well as respecting & caring for the space for future visitors & peace makers to come and enjoy.

What: Share clear intention of usage of the space, guests invited. Respect boundaries of the home and neighbors (noise, traffic, leave no trace, usage of utilities)
Discretion of sharing details when the stay is over ie sharing location, respecting participants’ confidentiality.

Partnership & Mutual Support
Why: Cooperation is a step to oneness. Ananta is a self-initiated project and relies on collaboration for success.

What: Following values and agreements on Governance.

Why: To be true to Ananta’s vision we need to live by the value of giving back to mother nature. In the default world our lives have been made comfortable with access to abundance and little are we aware of the impact this has and on carbon footprint generated. It takes one step at a time to make a difference and in every small action will consciously program us in our lives outside of Ananta.